Moji rodiče
Káni & Cita

Můj táta a máma!
BISS, ICh, Multi Ch |
Ch |
* 09.04.2006 FIN 22480/06 výška/height 68 cm váha/weight 43 kg plnochrupý, nůžkový skus / complete scissors bite pšeničná barva srsti / wheaten colour HD A/A, ED 0/0, OCD neg. majitel/owner : Ilse Hulsebos chovatel/breeder: Tuija Miettinen "Malozi" |
* 24.10.2005
Kani titles : |
Cita titles : |
International Champion Champion of Luxembourg Champion of Germany /VDH/ Champion of Netherlands BISS - Specialty Winner RRCD Club Belgian Junior Winner 07 Junior Champion of Netherlands CAC - France,Finland,Czech Rep. 2x res.CAC Czech Rep. 1x res.CAC Slovakia res.CACIB, JCAC German Jch DZRR |
Champion Poland Best of Bred 2x Regional winner 2x Best female 3x res.CAC Czech Rep. |